Tina of Audio Taco.com hipped me to her favorite blog "Stuff White People Like" and I instantly fell in love. You know I had to do this:-) I'll update often and without apology. Tell your friends!
#10 Angelina Jolie in This Picture Too
Her philanthropic efforts have put her on the path to becoming our generation's Audrey Hepburn.
...and she's totally naked under there.
angelina.....hot wearing anything........really not wearing nothing.
Meh, I must be the only gay chick in the world that doesn't find her attractive. However, I do like the fact that she's a lefty. :] I didn't know till I saw this pic.
angelina.....hot wearing anything........really not wearing nothing.
Angelina Jolie in any picture.
she's pretty but I dunno lately she has been a little skinny for my tastes...
--Brian, 30 male, silicon valley
Well, in that case I must be a lesbian =o I'd bang her(said the straight one). What's not to resist?
Meh, I must be the only gay chick in the world that doesn't find her attractive. However, I do like the fact that she's a lefty. :] I didn't know till I saw this pic.
Id fuck her
"Id fuck her"
I hate when people say it like that. I like to say it more politely:
"I'd love to make love to her if she'll let me."
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