#13 Bonfires

Lesbians love building big fires. I've done the math, and 1 out of every 3 lesbians has heard or said the words "We're meeting at the beach* at 9pm. Bring a 6-er and your bikini top. We're settin' shit on fire."

*depending on where you live, this word is interchangeable with "high school track," "docks," "quarry," "reservoir," "dunes," and "Cindy's backyard."


Erin said...

omg... i thought i was the only one lighting shit on fire in my backyard with lesbians drinking beer around it!!
and unless someone else comments... i am the only one

Anonymous said...

Oh I love catching stuff on fire! And this blog is pure genious. I love it and please keep it comming!

Anonymous said...

hmm Bonfires D-rings pussycats does this mean I am a lesbian??

Anonymous said...

OMG LOL jesus, you make me laugh. lesbians do love building big fires though. they really do.

fendervixen said...

LMAO!!! so true and so funny!

Triny said...

Lol, so true, i was invited to 3 bonfires over the summer the past year, we all sat around it drinking beer and vodka.

Anonymous said...

i love bonfires!!! unfortunatelly livin in halls not much opportunity to set shit on fire without gettin kicked out of uni! brilliant blog im definately a lesbian :P think the no one thing lesbians like should be this blog :)

Anonymous said...

I have the logs and the stuff to burn in the back of my car as we speak!! amazingment ;)

Anonymous said...

You are sooo right. lesbians = pyros i love to build huge bonfires yeah!

Unknown said...

I too enjoy settiing things on fire! You are so right!

Anonymous said...

i don't get it?

Anonymous said...

my god i love setting things on fire lmfao

Anonymous said...

I love setting thing on fire too the bigger the better lol!

psychwardpatient69 said...

Fire good! lol

Anonymous said...

Some of my fondest memories take place around the warmth of a bonfire, in all settings. It's where I spent the night when I found out my ex-fiancee had tried to kill herself when her mom disowned her after coming out about us.. And where my next, abusive, girlfriend left me stranded with a bunch of weird, drunk, country boys.. And where I hope to celebrate my engagement to the girlfriend who picked up all the pieces =]

Anonymous said...

You forgot to put in "desert" as another word that's interchangable for beach! And yah the desert really is a bad place for bonfires because of the whole brushfire thing but just bring a shovel and you have infinite amounts of stuff to burn hahaha!

Anonymous said...

I live in Jersey, so the shore is the place to go. But I haven't been to a bonfire, and I've always wanted to. :(

Ams said...

i just told my sister that we should have a bonfire on the beach lol

robin razor said...

Wow. If I ever had doubts I'm pretty sure I'm gay now. Bonfires are the shizz!

I think it's time for one!!